About us

Pro Oeconomica, n. o. is non-profit organization founded in 2011, providing economic research and education in the East of Slovakia, supporting regional development and intensive research and innovation cooperation of SME with regional, national and EU authorities.

The research team focuses its activities on research and innovation in the field of Digital  Society, e-services for Digital single market strategy and the ICT impact on different socio-economic domains, e-business, etc. The team closely cooperates with the Council for Logistics Center for Agrocommodities in Košice Region, designing e-Infrastructure services. Our experiences based on top research international FPx and H2020 projects esp. E-best, Seamless, E-coop etc. focused on software platform development for cross-border e-cooperation will provide excellent innovation drive within this project realization. It will be based on WIRE2017 H2020 project results regarding socially responsible regional innovation.

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